Debra Green OBE

Debra Green OBE is the National Director and Founder of Redeeming Our Communities (ROC), founded in 2004. She is frequently asked to speak at events and conferences. She also speaks at conferences organised by statutory authorities and public services.
Debra has twenty years of experience in bringing organisations together towards the goal of social transformation, starting with her home city of Manchester. Since 2003, this work has expanded and she has acted as a consultant to many other towns and cities with significant results. Such work has attracted interest from public services and local authorities who are impressed by the proven track record and results achieved.
Debra has had three books published. The most recent published in 2014 – ROC Your World-changing communities for good. Also, a previous book was published in 2008 “Redeeming Our Communities; 21st Century Miracles of Social Transformation”
She rallies others to pray as she retells her account of how the reputation of her city was changed through prayer in EPISODE 4.